The main objective of the C-Roads Czech Republic project is to implement latest technologies based on direct vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure communication.
This project is a part of European C-Roads Platform, which main objective is to create harmonized environment for cross-border C-ITS services provision. Reduction of social costs resulting from decreased numbers or severity of traffic accidents ranks among the most important expected benefits of large scale deployment of C-ITS. Further socio-economic benefit of C-ITS is positive environmental impacts from improved traffic flow. The Strategy for ITS deployment 2021-2027 adopted by the Czech government states that cooperative ITS (C-ITS) will have a significant impact on increasing transport safety. The primary goal is to provide reliable C-ITS services to transport users. From these types of projects like C-Roads Czech Republic, the Ministry of Transport receives valuable feedback and knowledge for future C-ITS deployment.
The budget of the C-Roads Czech Republic project is 15,47 mil. EUR. 85 % of the eligible costs is financed by Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Transport) by long-term work program of the European Union. The remaining 15 % of the costs take the project partners.